Monday, May 08, 2006

Back home again...

Just got back from yet again visit back East.
Since my April 11th visit, my mom was sent to yet another hospital. This one will be her last.

The NYC hospice was not a long-term facility, so of all the options available, we opted for a hospital in the Bronx, whose sole purpose is care of the terminally ill. They don't refer themselves as a hospice, but it seems like they provide the same services as one.

I went with Mom when they transferred her and everything happened so fast, I had no idea how the heck I was going to get home. Two express buses and over two hours later, I was back in Mom's apartment, resting up for the long trip back the next day.

After all of the travelling and hospitals and hospices, I came home for a little bit.
Mom's been steadily declining, so my husband, daughter and I decided we needed to go see her while she was still lucid. We just got home today.

The visit was heartbreaking as each day Mom became more confused and forgetful. It's part of the symptoms of her advanced liver cancer. She'll also start sleeping more and more and this started happening our last day there. I'm so glad we got there while she was still aware enough to know we were there and be happy to see us.

I am very glad I had my lovely family with me. Every other recent trip I had to go myself and come back to my mom's empty apartment. This time we stayed with family in Connecticut. It was a tonic to be with them after such a tough day with Mom.

I'm pretty jet-lagged and emotionally spent right now. I don't know when I am going back again, but I suspect it'll be soon.

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